Saturday, February 27, 2010 /
Hi peeps, sorry if i update my blog quite lat, coz for his past few days, im freaking down.Anyway i just want to wish my DARLING KERENE LAST LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG (: hihihi~
i just can't believe it LOL.
Heheh. yesterday went out with zhi wei, bernard and ivan first we accompany zhi wei buy his jacket at somerset first. then head to j8 play maximum tune. i keep losing :( my car is too noob i need to upgrade it >:O so to our next outing i will PWN THEM! anyway at j8 hor, omg chio bu coming non-stop! everywhere you look theres a chio bu! i was wow-ed ! D: and theres a guy, who damn pro in maximum tune
his my idol <3 LOL
hehehe. after that went home. and jiamin i saw you again. but you didnt saw me coz i know you dont know how i look like hahahahahahahhahahaha.
Im quite jealous but, need to accept the fact rite? nevermind your happy and im also happy. i hope he'll take care of you and i know he will.
but im still your darling rite? hehehe.
ok. for now thats all.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 /
OMG! today is a fun dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :>
morning while walking to school i think i saw jiamin.
Not sure coz look like her O.O. Sorry but i was kinda sleepy that time
Not enough sleep so quite blurr x.x
anyway the bus late for 10 minutes.
nothing much happen this morning, sian
Wohooooooo!! Maths Lesson, the teacher give us workSHIT!
but then, i dont know how to do any of the question :<
i hate maths manzxzxzx
anyway. just now ying xuan and gerrard quarell
OMG its so dramatic ! hallie likes it (Y) eh people if i ask you,
if someone keep disturbing you while your talking to a friend, youconfirm scold the person who disturb you rite? thats what happen to the quarell just now hor, and im surprised that, she's the one in the wrong, and yet shes still the one angry to people who scolded her -.- what a bitch.
but anyway i enjoyed the free show ^^ i can't stop laughing when i saw her cry in the end i dk why :/ im not so mean but
anyway, i pon cca today -.- i dont feel like going siiah.
very sian.
!!!!!!!!!!! i fall asleep liao lah. woke up at 9pm exact! later confirm had a hard time to get a sleep -.- tsktsk. i hate sleeping during school days! if only i got
one wish i would wish that school starts at 2pm end at 3pm,
i think the whole world would agree about that ^^ hahas.
thats all. yawn~ i try go get some sleep x.x
anyway DARLING i miss you :(
Monday, February 22, 2010 /

Hello! OMG today is the day im so highper idk why,
i wake up bath,eat then go school, reach school
suddenly so energetic x.x
lessons were damn boring but for me hor
i was like lame jokes i laugh -.- am i crazy?! tsktsk.
Anyway, one DOG IN DISGUIESE really spoilt my mood,
FOR that particular person, hey dog, better stop talking crap and spreading some shitty rumours, you sonovabeetch _l_ you parents
never teach you what is RESPECT izzit?
if you dont know then go back primary school chaocheebye!
Zzzz anyway, com tio corrupted , i lost all my files, photo, and everything!
_l_ pcb! morning so highper, then reaching the end of the day mood suddenly change.
i DOwnloaded new msn skin! (TOP) its AWESOME! >:)
Be jealous people! haha joke.
Sunday, February 21, 2010 /
Hello Peeps :> Im back to blogging, i deleted my old blog coz its like FUCKED UP MANZXZX! anyway do LINK ME KAY? nah, Gonna start updating it tomorow now need to make my blog presentable. Anyway you know why i make new blog? coz this blog is exclusive only for friends specially my online friends :>.Labels: Lonelyness